<<timed 1s t8n>>
The public didn't see how I often would blow off Kit and Stevie to work on honing my powers or doing my homework. <</timed>>
Do you want to check out the wreckage of the [[School]] or [[go home]]<<timed 1s t8n>>
The man picked up his backpack and pulled out foil and a bag of pills before giving it to a woman. I noticed the man acted very restless. Unlike me, I have ADHD and suffer from ‘restless leg syndrome’ (Expression: restlessness energy), his behavior was unhinged. <</timed>>
<<timed 5s t8n>> The homeless woman noticed him and talked to him. Both of them were chatting and asking to trade for their addiction, I overheard their conversation.<</timed>>
Do you [[want to leave train?]] or [[stay listen the conversation?]]
<<timed 1s t8n>> good you’re awake I was afraid you wouldn't be able to start right away” said the bug. “Excuse me?” <</timed>>
you responded. <<textbox "$response" "wow" autofocus>>